Den här bloggen kommer att handla om mitt projekt med Nattskärror i mellersta Kalmar län. Projektet går ut på att fånga och ringmärka Nattskärrorna för att studera flyttvägar, ortstrohet, övervintringsområden, biotop samt inventering av befintligt bestånd. -------------------------------- This blog will be about my project with Nightjars in central Kalmar county. The project aims to capture and ring Nightjars to study the migratory routes, local loyalty, wintering areas and habitat.
måndag 3 december 2012
Årets rapport av Nattskärresommaren. -------- This years report.
tisdag 20 november 2012
Arbete med årets sammanställning pågår. -------- This years report is nearly finished.
Jag jobbar för fullt med sammanställningen av årets säsong, och är i stort sett klar med den, så under nästa vecka kommer den att finnas tillgänglig i sin helhet här på bloggen för de som är intresserade. De som fått den via mail tidigare år kommer även att få det i år, och är det fler som vill ha sammanställningarna via mail så skicka ett mail till
söndag 4 november 2012
Är detta farligt för nattskärran? -------- Is this dangerous for Nightjars?
Eftersom projektet med ljusloggarna inte är avslutat än så får jag se hur mycket jag hinner med i sommar, men tanken är att i varje fall starta med undersökningen.
onsdag 10 oktober 2012
Nattskärrans bo. --------- Nightjars nest.
En sak som jag har lagt märke till vid de bon som jag hittat båda på Öland och fastlandet är att det alltid finns en större gren, stubbe eller trädstam i nära anslutning till boet???!!!!
torsdag 30 augusti 2012
Säsongen börjar bli till ända. ------ The season is just over.
Denna säsong så har jag även tittat närmare på ålderbestämningen av nattskärrorna och upptäckt en del som förmodligen kommer att resultera i en hel del pappersarbete och granskning av bildmaterial. Även ett besök på något museum kanske det blir för att få ännu mer material till en möjlig nyckel för åldersbestämningen.
It is possible that there will be some catch attempts to try to take a young bird during migration, then i will start the paperwork. The idea is to start with this year's compilation in the near future. The two logged birds we recaptured this year, now has the data compiled on, and the two birds have spent the winter in totally unknown wintering areas for nightjars, so it's really exciting to read the report as Gabriel Norevik has compiled. I will post some here on the blog eventually.
This season I have also looked at the age determination of the nightjars and discovered a part that will probably result in a lot of paperwork and review of pictures. Even a visit to a museum, it might be to get more material for a possible key for age determination.
torsdag 2 augusti 2012
Ännu fångas Nattskärror. -------- Yet caught Nightjars.
måndag 30 juli 2012
En gammal bekant. -------- An old friend.
måndag 23 juli 2012
En konstig Nattskärra. ----- A strange Nightjar.
lördag 21 juli 2012
Dåligt med uppdateringar. --------- Poorly with updates.
It has been bad with the updates here recently. The reason is that I have not been out as much as it has been raining almost every day, and then it will be cold and damp to the night. This makes the Nightjars shurring very sporadic and being harder to catch. I've still been out a few times between rain showers and caught a few Nightjars. Last couple of days ago I took a female who had an egg in the stomach, and it's getting late for the chicks to have time to be flight ready in time. At the last moment that I was out so I caught 3 males in just 2 hours, but was then forced to finish off the night because I fell and hurt of the handle to the CD player, batteries ran out and the rain was about to enter. I have now designed a new CD player through a car stereo and speakers built into a box, so in the next few days, I will test it. It's very good sound in it and that will be heard in the distance of the Nightjars. Coming week, so it seems that the summer weather finally stabilize with sun and heat, but it's getting late in the season for catching birds, but I'll give it a try.
De brukar stanna ett tag i handen innan de flyger iväg. -------- They will stay for a while in my hand before take off.
onsdag 11 juli 2012
Nu är det riktigt bra!
De senaste 2 nätterna har det varit riktigt bra fart på Nattskärrorna. Det är gott om spelande skärror och många spelar hela natten igenom, så det är bara att välja och vraka vilka man ska prova att fånga. 6 st har blivit märkta dessa 2 nätter och om det fortsätter så här ett tag till så kan jag nog fånga lite mer än fjolårets 44 ex. Jag är nu uppe i strax över 30 fångade ex än så länge. Spelaktiviteten brukar avta när äggen kläcks har jag märkt tidigare år, så vi får se när det blir i år. För 2 nätter sedan så fångade jag en hona och hon hade ett ägg i magen men ingen utvecklad ruvfläck än. Så om hon är riktvisande för hela beståndet så är det minst närmare tre veckors fångst kvar. I år har jag också satsat på att optimera fångstmöjligheterna så mycket som möjligt, och jag tror att det gett önskad effekt. Så i ett senare inlägg tänkte jag presentera vad jag gjort och kommit fram till. Om några timmar så väntar ännu en natt i skogen när jag slutat jobbet, och vädret verkar bli lite bättre än de senaste nätterna så jag ser fram mot natten.
söndag 1 juli 2012
Äntligen nattskärrenatt.----- Finally Nightjar night.
The last night was one of those great night with good activity at Nightjars all night. The weather was much warmer than it has been the past few weeks, so that was probably what made the nightjars finally got activated. We certainly heard up to 30 shurring Nightjars at night, and we also saw a lot of flying around. To be as efficient as possible this last night in the area for a while, we went quickly to the next when we noticed that they were not interested. We covered a lot of nettimes during the few hours of darkness, and we managed to catch 2 nightjars during the night. The first was one that we caught and put lightlog on for just a week ago, but the second was much more interesting. We have tried to catch one about 2 km further north along the road, but the one who sits there and plays have shown weak interest to be caught, so we have not managed to catch it. We suspect that there is a bird that we logged last year in the same place, so it's been particularly interesting to try to catch it. The second we caught last night was this bird! A little worn ring around the leg and a lightlog of his back did that tonight we could take the second bird of the ones we put lightlog of last year. Unfortunately, it has been shown that the log had sat down in sleepmode position some day, so it has to be sent off to see if there is any data on it. The second log is now empty of data and it has worked properly, so when the material is processed, we will see where it spent the winter in Africa.
lördag 30 juni 2012
De senaste dagarna. ---------- The latest days.
Natten som gick så var vi inte ute då det hade varnats för regn och åska, men som vanligt så hade de fel då det bara var en liten kort regnskur framåt morgontimmarna. Inatt däremot så ser det just nu bra ut enligt vädersajterna, så vi får hoppas att de har rätt. Detta blir sista natten på ett tag som besöket blir i området där vi har loggade fåglar, så vi får hoppas att vi kan ta någon mer inatt. Han som håller i loggprojektet ska nämligen åka till Grönland och fånga fåglar i 3 veckor, och jag ska ägna mig lite åt andra områden som jag inte har hunnit att besöka i år än. men om en vecka så ska jag lägga några nätter till i loggområdet för att försöka fånga någon mer. Senaste natten som vi var ute så stannade vi på ett ställe där det var flera skärror som kom när vi startade spelaren. Och en hona kom och satte sig på vägen och blev uppvaktade av en hane, och det hela slutade med att de parade sig. Så äggläggningen är nog i full gång och sedan så ska de ruva i knappt 20 dagar innan äggen kläcks, så det är ungefär den tid som finns kvar att fånga skärrorna. Tidigare år har spelaktiviteten avtagit markant en bit in i Juli, och jag tror att det är när äggen kläcks som detta sker. Så vi får se om det stämmer i år också.
There is no goo in the shurring nightjars this year, and probably it is because of the cold weather still prevails with rain every few days. The nights are cold and moist, and it seems to have a negative impact on the gamingactivity of the birds. At the end of May it was warmer at night and it was really good speed on the nightjars, but now is they only on short periods. In places where we previously stayed and heard 5-7 playing has we now only a few birds. But the others are there for when we test with the CD player so they begin to make some noice and perhaps also is flying a turn.
The night that went so we were not out as it had been warned of rain and thunder, but as usual it was the fault when it was just a short rain towards morning hours. Tonight however, it looks so good right now as the weather sites, so we hope they have right. This will be the last night for some time that the visit will be in the area where we have logged birds, so we hope that we can take some more tonight. I will devote myself a little at other areas that I have not had time to visit this year yet. but in a week I'll add a few nights to the log area to try to catch some more. Last night as we were out we stopped at a place where there were several nightjars that came when we started the player. And a female came and sat on the road and was approached by a male, and it all ended with mating. So nesting is probably in full swing and since then the brood in less than 20 days before the eggs hatch, so that's about the time left to catch nightjars. In previous years the gaming activity dropped sharply a few weeks into July, and I think that is when the eggs hatch as this happens. So we'll see if it is true this year too.
söndag 24 juni 2012
Äntligen! ----------- Finally!
Last night we were a bit hesitant how the nightjars would behave after the rain that came during the day, and with recent rains coming on the next day. But we got a very nice night with plenty of nightjars that churring the entire night. When we came out at 22 o'clock there was some churring nightjars, so we had to wait for it to get dark before we could put up the net. One couple of nightjars had great air shows for us while we waited, and Woodcocks fly around the same time as a Badger came up to us. On the first attempt to capture some of the birds in this territory, we not caught anyone, so we went to the one that we tried on a number of times before. We found that he often sat on a couple of large stones from a distance each time it came flying, so we let the player stand still and place the net there. Already on the first attempt he flied right into the net, and we discovered that he had a light log on his back. The first thought was that it was one of the two that we were put the log on here recently, but when the ring was read so could we establish that it was the bird we were after. It was an acquaintance from last year that we put a light log on at the time. Now it has been in the unknown winter quarters in Africa during the winter, and come back to his old territory again. Now if only light the log has functioned as it should, we will soon know how it went to Africa and at what time. We can also deduce where the nightjar has been at various times throughout the trip and came back, so it will be incredibly exciting to have access to this data. Now it is ¨just¨ 11 pieces left of the 12 who received a light log last year, so the hunt continues for a while.