Two nights ago I was out again half the night to try to catch some more Nightjars, and when I am on my way to the area to be visited so is there a Nightjar on the road. When it flies away, I see that there is a female. When I stopped the car on a small side road so I start the CD player to see if she are interested in other Nightjars. Two males respond immediately a distance out on a clear-felled area, so I set up the net well into the clearing and start the CD player. After a while, so the female fly and do some flights pass before she flies into the net, and this year's 48th Nightjar has been caught. Males on the clearing is not as interested as I continue to the area I'm going to instead. First place I stop at a Nightjar respond immediately when I start the CD player, and it caught after a short time. there will be some stops for the night, but no more Nightjar caught. It's just a bouncing out of the net and an Long eared Owl, which is very close to being caught.
Honans vinge. --------- Wing female.
Honans stjärt. --------- Tail female.
Igenväxande ruvfläck. ---------- Growing incubation patch.
Nattskärra hona innan frisläppning. ------- Nightjar female before release.
ja..nattskärrorna har verkligen ett säreget utseende...en okänd fågel för mig, innan jag fick vetskap om den genom dig:)hälsn.anna