Tonight when I came out into the woods, it was completely silent. Not a single nightjar was heard even though the weather was good. In places where I heard nightjars night before it was completely silent. So I tried to attract some with CD player, and immediately there was a bird that responded and began to sing, so I had to put up the net and try to catch someone. In the first place so there was a male fly while being attracted, but then it stopped it. Suddenly he came quietly flying at low altitude and dived straight into the net, but before I got there so it began to flap and managed to free itself. No more Nightjar showed interest in this place, so I had to move on and find someone else. I soon found another, because the woods seem full of nightjars this year. During the night I heard 13 nightjars in just a few km, so there are plenty of those this year. Next I found came as soon as it heard the CD player and it flew around for a while before it sat on the ground just two meters from the net. After a while, so it flew up with a focus on the player and flew right into the net. This was number 40 that I caught this year and it was equaled year record when I caught the same number last year. Mörkret har tagit över skogen. ----- The darkness take the forest.
Nattskärrans favoritföda. Någon sorts mal.----- Nightjars favoritefood, a mot.
En nattslända.------- A caddis.
Nummer 40.---- Number 40.
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