Jag hoppas vi kan återfånga den kommande år för att se hur fjäderdräkten kommer att utvecklas när den blir äldre.
Normally, the nightjar has white spots on three of its wingprimaries, but this night I nightjar with white spots on four primaries on both wings was caught. It also had white-tipped under tailcoverts, which I have never seen before in a two-year nightjar.
I hope we can recapture he the coming year to see how the plumage will evolve when he be older.
Normala vita fläckar hos nattskärran. ------- Normal three white spots on the wing.
Nattens fågel med sina fyra fläckar. ------ This nights bird with his four white spots.
Även fyra fläckar på den andra vingen. ------ Even four spots on the other wing.
Undre stjärttäckarna hos en tvåårig nattskärra. ----- The under tailcoverts on a second year bird.
De undre stjärttäckarna hos fågel med de fyra fläckarna. ------- The tailcoverts on the bird with the four spots.