torsdag 25 augusti 2016

One more Nightjarmorning.

This morning I went out 03:30 a.m and put up my net on a hight. Immediately when I start the playback a nigthjar calls back and after a while he fly near the nets and land in a pinetree. Next time he came flying he got trapped in the nearest net and I could take him out for ringing.  It was an older bird and he was small and fat. The migration to Afrika is near and soon he start the journey. When the daylight came I went home and go to my ordinary work.

onsdag 24 augusti 2016

No Nightjar in the net yesterday evening.

In the dusk I went out for a try to catch some nightjars, but no nightjars could be seen around the player and net in one hour. When I should take down the net a Longeared bat was trapped in one of my nets. I could shake it out and he fly away unharmed.

söndag 21 augusti 2016

Foggy morning with nightjar in the mistnet.

This foggy morning I did not think I could catch any nightjars, but I got a first year female in the net.

 In this hight I put up the mistnets.

 And there I got a first year female.

 Foggy dawn at the clear cut.

They have left a few pinetrees to the nightjars.

tisdag 16 augusti 2016

Unga nattskärror i näten!

Idag på morgonen så blev det ett besök i skogen för att fånga nattskärror innan de närmaste dagarnas ostadiga väder. Jag hade med mig en journalist som skulle göra ett reportage för tidningen LAND, så jag hoppades att vi skulle fånga minst en nattskärra till det. Näten sattes upp i mörkret och efter ca 30 min så gick vi tillbaka till näten igen för att se om någon nattskärra flugit in och vi hade tur för i ett av näten så hängde det 3 st nattskärror. Alla var årsungar och minst en var en tydlig hane.

Vingen av den unga hanen med tydliga markeringar på vinge och stjärt

söndag 14 augusti 2016

The 45th capture for this year.

This morning i get out and try to catch some first year nightjar in the early morning. I have some nightjars around the mistnet on the hill and I got one first year male in the net.

måndag 8 augusti 2016

Still catch Nightjars.

When I went out yesterday I have several nightjars on the road flying up in front of my car. At the place for my mistnet a female fly around when I start the playback. After a while the female and a youngster was trapped in the net but when I removed the female the youngster fly away. I have some more nigthtjars fly around but the wind increased and I take down the net and go home again.

 A little fat female with wing 196 mm and weight 92,1 gram.

 The wing indicated she was 3 year or older.

Growing tail. Moulting or predation?